Feminist lawmakers like CarolynBMaloney and BrendaLLawrence are continuing to push to make sure the Equal Rights Amendment is (finally) included in the U.S. constitution.
a law that only allowed Medicaid funding for abortion when a pregnancy endangers a woman’s life. The Court ruled that choosing to fund all medically necessary procedures except for abortion is sex discrimination in violation of Connecticut’s Equal Rights Amendment. Abortion bans exacerbate sex inequalities in educational, economic and political life caused by childbearing and childrearing.
“As we continue our fight to recognize the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the Constitution amid a national assault on women’s rights, I am struck that Congress first considered an equal rights amendment nearly 100 years ago,” said Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul , one of the AGs leading the lawsuit. “One hundred years is far too long to wait for equality under the law.
“We must state once and for all women are equal and that equality of rights cannot be denied or abridged on account of sex,” said Ellie Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority, which publishes. “We’ve done the work. The women of this country have waited 100 years for equality. The ERA is overwhelming popular and more needed than ever.”