WHAT lengths would you go to cope with a breakup? In today’s day and age, there are numerous options to consider. You can block your ex’s phone number...
lengths would you go to cope with a breakup? In today’s day and age, there are numerous options to consider. You can block your ex’s phone number, their social media handles or go on a relaxing holiday.According to the
, the woman involved was 25-year-old Wang, who was from Sichuan province and was in a relationship for three years.On Oct 28, Wang arranged her own “funeral” and asked her friends to “bid her farewell.” The concept behind the funeral was just as a reason for her friends to gather but it symbolised the rebirth of her new life without her boyfriend.
The video clip on China’s social media platform, Weibo, revealed Wang lying on her “deathbed” surrounded by candles, while her friends bow and hand her white flowers one by one, as is customary at funerals.Would you ever consider hosting your own funeral party as a way to get over an ex? Let us know in the comments.