These 32 endangered species are often overlooked. Click the link below to read more about them. Endangered EndangeredSpecies DiscoverMagazine
This cute little swimmer is the only fish to make the list. Now living in a single creek in southeastern Australia, this fish has been nearly eaten to extinction by invasive trout. Wildfires and other disturbances increase the amount of sediment washing into their creek, which interferes with their reproduction. Experts say the fish hasHainan Gibbon
Off the coast of China, near Vietnam, a couple dozen gibbons live in a small habitat on the island of Hainan. Their numbers hit a low point in 2003, when only 13 individuals were found living on a single mountainside in the Bawangling National Nature Reserve. Since then, they’ve likely bounced back to at least 25, though they’re hard to find and therefore hard to count.
Fewer than 10 of these turtles remain in the wild. They used to occur in abundance in Myanmar river valleys, but human collection of eggs, juveniles and adult turtles has driven them near extinction. Its last remaining habitat is now under consideration for a hydroelectric reservoir, which would flood out the last of its kind. More recently, wildlife officials haveAn early 19th century illustration of the Fatu Hiva Monarch.
This Australian lizard is now mostly confined to the Kakadu National Park in Australia’s Northern Territory. Perhaps five or 10 skinks are thought to remain, despite extensive searching. Their remaining habitat is threatened by both wildfires and feral cats.In 1971, researchers found three birds of an unknown species in the Andes. The species wasn’t seen again until 2018.