A carriage horse that collapsed on a Manhattan street a few weeks ago has been retired and moved to a private horse farm outside of New York City.
Subsequent blood tests revealed a low white-cell blood count. The veterinarian has now placed Ryder on antibiotics and is considering other courses of action, according to TWU Local 100.
According to Ryder’s former owner, Ryder was purchased earlier this year after his owner in Amish country no longer wanted him. The horse was listed as 13 years old. The responding veterinarian and NYPD Mounted Unit that responded on Aug. 10 estimated Ryder to be much older. A subsequent review of records has determined he is 26 years old, which is too old to be licensed by the city as a carriage horse, the TWU says.A 14-year-old carriage horse named Ryder collapsed near the intersection of West 45th Street and 9th Avenue on Wednesday evening.