CYBERJAYA: The University of Cyberjaya (UoC) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with DXN Holdings Berhad to foster academic-industry ...
MOU signing ceremony between Datuk Lim Siow Jin and Tan Sri Datuk Dr Palan, Pro Chancellor of UoCThe University of Cyberjaya recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with DXN Holdings Berhad to foster academic-industry collaboration for the promotion, as well as to conduct science and non-science research on the Ganoderma mushroom based products.
The collaboration is in line with DXN’s commitment to promote traditional medicine in a scientific way and for UoC, it presents a new opportunity to utilize their expertise in various disciplines, including medicine, health sciences, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, psychology, physiotherapy, homoeopathic medical sciences, biomedical technology, engineering and other specialties.