'That's when I said, 'No, no, I'm not paying a penny more. You've had my money for eight months, I lived up to my side of the contract... you need to hold up your side of the contract and give me the same flight,'' said the East Bay resident.
An SF woman scrambled to get home after learning her return flight from Tahiti had been cancelled. Here are your rights if this to happen to you.Travel experts say airlines are dealing with a shortage of aircraft and pilots since travel slowed way down in the pandemic. Flight cancelations or changing routes may be more frequent than in the past.
At United, we work diligently to find customers a suitable alternative if their travel is impacted by a schedule change. We also try to input schedule changes as far in advance as possible, so that customers can make an informed decision on what might work best for them - accepting a refund, re-scheduling, or canceling for future flight credit free of change fees.
We have the following advice for any United customers whose travel plans are impacted by a schedule change: We offer the option to self-serve via the United app or united.com in the event of schedule changes and we also provide customer contact center support available via phone, web chat, mobile app messaging, Facebook private message and Twitter direct message. We recommend reaching out to us so we can assist with re-booking or discussing alternative options.