Could tidal turbines help harness the power of the sea as the renewable energy source we've all been waiting for? 🤔
. It has an active pitch and yaw capability and weighs aroundand is, by all accounts, a very reliable turbine. horizontal axis turbine that also has active pitch capability to the a smaller 1MW horizontal axis turbine designed for floating or surface piercing foundations. It weighsWhat is the current status of Atlantis projects?
"This project and grant is key to developing a reliable, low-cost tidal turbine that can be installed in a demonstration project further reducing the LCoE of tidal energy," said EASME. Systems like this are currently very expensive and make up a significant proportion of the tidal turbine's capital cost. It is the hope of this new venture to drastically reduce the cost of such systems.
"This project will be designing, manufacturing, and testing one new VPS for an upgraded AR1500 turbine.