What occurs after the last ballot is cast on Election Day? Watch this week's installment as ABC13 talks with ABC News political director Rick Klein.
What occurs after the last ballot is cast Election Day? Watch this week's installment as ABC13 talks with political director Rick Klein.Now that early voting is underway, This Week in Texas looks at the key things to keep an eye on once the votes are counted. We talk with experts in polling and voter trends and with ABC News Political Director Rick Klein about how much credence we should give polls heading into Election Day.
"What I tell people is don't pay attention to any one poll and trust it to mean anything," Klein told ABC13. "Still go out and vote. I think if you look at a series of polls and they point in a certain direction, you're learning something, not nothing, and even if it doesn't tell you who is definitely going to win and who is definitely going to lose, polling does pick up trends. It does pick up broad indications about where things are headed.
We also talk with the President of the League of Women Voters Houston, who offers tips on the best things to do before you cast your ballot.