This Cyberpunk 2077 quest is a must-play if you've watched the Netflix anime:
Scanning each tarot card graffiti is as simple as walking up to them, holding down Tab on keyboard or LB/L1 on a controller, and that’s about it. You can hit the dialogue button when you come across one, and if you’re not keeping an eye on the map in your menu, seeing a random dialogue prompt show up might be a clue that there’s a card in your immediate vicinity that you haven’t spotted just yet.
The Hierophant symbolizes a respect for tradition. It represents one who tries to maintain the established order, even though their very character is shaped by it. The Hierophant places his faith in institutions – for the alternative is pure chaos. Only by placing his faith in order can he draw strength.If that doesn’t describe Takemura, I don’t know what does.
The Wheel of Fortune means that change is coming. One’s destiny could turn out for the better or the worse, yet it also bears the promise of new possibilities. The Wheel reminds us that nobody remains at the top forever, but also that not every situation is hopeless.If you’ve played this quest, then this description might be more than a little chilling.