The weather forecast is never 100 percent reliable, but the best packable rain jackets are dependable, durable, and there when you need them.
Marmot consistently manufactures quality outdoor gear and sells it for reasonable prices. The Precip Eco jacket may lack some of the advanced bells and whistles found in our top picks, but it performs well and costs less than our top picks. A lightweight jacket that packs easily into one of the pockets, the Precip Eco feels roomy in the shoulders to give you a full range of movement while hoisting your pack on and off.
If you’re unsure exactly what some of these mean, you’re not alone. Here’s a breakdown of what to look for when looking for the best packable rain jackets:As with many things in the apparel and gear industries, there is no universal, absolute definition of “softshell” and “hardshell” jackets, but there are common guidelines that most companies follow. Traditionally, softshell jackets are more breathable, while hardshells offer more prolonged water protection, pack down smaller, and weigh less.
Softshell jackets are made from softer, more pliable material. They’re usually stretchier and more breathable than a standard hardshell, which makes them better for moving around. Nearly all of the jackets on this list are hardshell jackets, as they tend to weigh less and pack into smaller sizes.Most modern rain jackets are constructed with fabric made from two or three different layers of material that are fused together, maximizing protection while keeping them light and breathable. For instance, the 3-layer Elite fabric used by Showers Pass consists of an outward-facing fabric with a durable water-repellent finish, backed with a waterproof-breathable membrane laminate.
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