Footwear for every kind of trail.
Talk to almost any serious hiker or outdoor-gear enthusiast these days and you’ll hear the same story: Stiff, heavy hiking boots are out, flexible and lightweightare in. “Elite hikers, long-distance hikers — no one is wearing boots above the ankle,” says Dr. Rachel Gross, an assistant professor at the University of Colorado in Denver studying the history of outdoor clothing and gear.
That’s not to say boots don’t have their place. In fact, some of the best hiking boots are so lightweight and comfortable that they may as well be sneakers — except more durable. Hiking boots generally have heavier, more supportive soles, which are meant to support you and any extra weight — say, a backpack. Rather than wearing out in a few months, they’ll last forever and serve you especially well on wet or gravelly terrain.
“If you’re hiking over really rough rocks, a hiking shoe or a more traditional boot would protect your foot,” Hazzard says. “Sections of rocks on the Appalachian Trail are thin and stacked, so you can’t step flat on them, and that’s the case where I’d recommend something beefier because it shreds shoes quickly.
Yet not everyone wants a waterproof boot these days as the industry trends toward ventilated boots and sneakers that air out quickly after being submerged. If a wet shoe doesn’t sound ideal to you, that’s okay — we’ve included both waterproof and non-waterproof options on this list.Because you’ll no doubt encounter slippery slopes on your hiking adventures, we looked for shoes and boots with deep traction, taking note of lug length in particular.
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