'Abortion remains legal and is once again available in Kentucky,' says ACLUofKY attorney HeatherGatnarek. 'We will always fight to keep it that way here and across the country.'
Brett WilkinsReproductive rights advocates on Thursday welcomed a federal judge's ruling that temporarily blocked Kentucky's new anti-choice law, allowing the state's two clinics that offered abortions to continue doing so for the next two weeks."Abortion remains legal and is once again available in Kentucky," Heather Gatnarek, a staff attorney with the ACLU of Kentucky who represented one of the two clinics,in a statement following the decision.
Rebecca Gibron, who heads the six-state Planned Parenthood group that includes Kentucky, said that"this is a win but it is only a first step. We're prepared to fight for our patients' right to basic health in court and to continue doing everything in our power [to] ensure abortion access is permanently secured in Kentucky."Democratic Gov.