Whether it’s playing the good girl gone bad in Netflix’s new blockbuster or dropping music, SOPHIANNECARUSO's doing whatever she damn pleases.
Whether it’s playing the good girl gone bad in Netflix’s new blockbuster or dropping music, she’s doing whatever she damn pleases.On any given day, you might not be able to recognize Sophia Anne Caruso. Her hair may be a shaggy bleached blonde or sleek brunette. She may be dressed in vintage lingerie she’s reworked herself or some old men’s overalls, also probably vintage.
Here, she breaks down the song, talks entering Netflix’s new fantasy world, and what could possibly come next. It was really fun because I always want to scream sing, and in the music I don't really write that kind of stuff for myself. But in shows, I've done that, and I just was like, "I want to have a temper tantrum." And so we decided that there was just going to be a breakdown, and I sang it. It's 10, 15 takes layered on top of each other, SO it sounds like a bunch of kids yelling. But it's meant to be upbeat and happy too. It's not just a pouting song.
How are you managing both rehearsals and your own music, plus now promo for the new movie? Is that beginning to ramp up?