Education Minister Chan Chun Sing stated that character and citizenship education lessons on the Israel-Hamas conflict aim to help students process their emotions and information about the issue, and are not meant to be history lessons or to ascribe blame. He emphasized the importance of having frank discussions with students to help them understand the complex topic.
Education Minister Chan Chun Sing said character and citizenship education lessons on the Israel-Hamas conflict aim to help students process their emotions and information about the issue, and are not meant to be history lessons or to ascribe blame. Given Singapore ’s social fabric and the deluge of information on the issue, it was all the more urgent to have frank discussions with students to help them understand the complex topic.
He also thanked educators for their professionalism, noting that they too had their own personal feelings and convictions about the issue, but had not imposed them on students
Singapore Education Minister Character Education Citizenship Education Israel-Hamas Conflict Emotions Information History Lessons Blame Discussions Students