Santiago's didn't make our best green chile list, and fans are stirred up.
Santiago's breakfast burrito is the gold standard on which all others are judged. 'Nuff said.Overrated. Not even a fan of their breakfast burritos. Hard pass.Their green chili is a sauce-type, rather than stew. It’s great in the reakfast burritos, which IMO are the very best. If you want a stew, there are better versions available for sure.I agree with Molly's assessment on the chili, rather bland and not much depth of flavor. The soupy texture is also an issue for me.
It is fine flavoring a burrito but does not stand by itself as a stew. As to the lack of any pork in the dish, that seems to be true at most places these days. It is hard to find a green chile with nice chunks of pork in it. Easy to understand from the restaurant standpoint. They need only make one pot of chili that can be used to smother vegetarian and carnivore burritos alike.