Russian President Vladimir Putin used his annual New Year’s address to justify the invasion of Ukraine, in a speech that appeared intended to signal his resolve to prolong the war
to a flood of financing and military support from the West, especially the U.S., which has provided advanced Himars rocket launchers to push back Russian forces in many areas.for Ukraine that for the first time includes a Patriot air-defense system to help Kyiv protect itself against the barrage of ballistic missiles and cruise missiles Russia has unleashed on the country’s electricity grid and power plants, among other strategic targets.
Instead, “the West was lying about peace, while preparing for an aggression,” he said. “They are cynically using Ukraine and its people to weaken and split Russia. We have never allowed anyone to do so, and we will not allow this to happen in the future,” he said. A resident of Kyiv cleaned up in his home in an apartment building damaged during missile strikes on Saturday.Passengers on a bus in the southern Ukrainian city of Mykolaiv, during a blackout following a Russian missile attack on Saturday.
In his New Year’s address, Mr. Putin played down the impact of Russia “living under sanctions,” insisting that the country had defied those in the West who “expected the complete destruction of our industry, finances, and transport,” he said. In recent months, the Kremlin has also tried to cast Russia as a bulwark against what it says are liberal elites in the West who aim to dominate the rest of the world. Mr.