Abortion policies in the Philippines are among the most restrictive in the world. How do human rights groups assess the current situation, especially in light of recent events in the US? DW's iamAnaSantos provides an overview.
In the Philippines, having an abortion is punishable with imprisonment — for both the pregnant person and medical providerthe overturning of Roe v. Wade in the United States
Abortion policies in the predominantly Catholic Philippines are among the most restrictive in the world, originally derived from the penal code under Spanish colonial rule. There are no clear exceptions even in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the pregnant person. WGNRR, together with the Philippine Safe Abortion Advocacy Network , a coalition of non-government organizations, has been advocating for the decriminalization of abortion as well as an end to fines and imprisonment for pregnant people who seek abortions, and the medical providers who perform the procedure.
Data compiled by the Center for Reproductive Rights shows that illegal and unsafe abortions in the Philippines increased from 560,000 in 2008 to up to 610,000 in 2012. Meanwhile, PINSAN estimates that three pregnant people die every day from complications related to unsafe abortions, often performed in unsanitary conditions and using outdated techniques.
According to the CRC, pregnant people who seek post-abortion care are denied care or harassed and intimidated by health care workers who threaten to report them to the police. In 2011, people in the Philippines took to the streets to call for a reproductive health care bill, but abortion restrictions in the country remain harsh.April, a 48-year-old woman from Manila, is against abortion but would not pass judgment against women who need access to it."I understand why women may need an abortion, but as someone who actually attempted abortion when I was younger, I'm glad my attempt failed," she told DW.
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