The 'Welcome to my garage' home style irks me so badly.
,"What is a terrible trend found in new-home design?" People provided some new-home red flags and telltale signs that scream,"This new home is, um, not made well.""Open floor plans. There is a reason there is a wall separating the kitchen from the rest of the house: Kitchen fires likely stay in the kitchen and don't travel throughout the house.
""Ductwork in the floor instead of the walls or ceiling. It really isn’t more energy-efficient. The floor vents make arranging furniture a pain. One, I can’t have a full-size sofa because it would cover the vents. Two, pets pee down them. Three, stuff falls into them. Four, kids drop things down them.""Big, built-in garden tubs. They waste water, and you only get to enjoy them for a few minutes after they’re full because the water gets cold.