The Black Mamba team is comprised of two senior officer and 22 members, tasked with surveillance of traffic offences, planned operations, escort duties, observation, patrols and enforcement.
Team Black Mamba is a rebranding of a JSPT task force that is comprised of officers and team members from the 42 Squad, which is the police department’s intelligence and operations unit. said the director of Bukit Aman JSPT Datuk Seri Mat Kasim Karim.
This is a specially trained unit that is skilled in carrying out a range of duties involving several elements within the JSPT, and assets involved include high-powered motorcycles, he added. Comprised of two senior officers and 22 members with assets including high-powered motorcycles, Team Black Mamba carries out tasks such as surveillance of elements involving traffic offences, planned operations, escort duties, observation, patrols and enforcement, the Bukit Aman JSPT director said.
Road users are reminded to focus on safety aspects in order to avoid accidents and to comply with road rules for the safety of themselves and other road users, while the frequency of enforcement and monitoring helps to ensure that road users comply with road rules, he said. Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.