LOS ANGELES, March 9 — When Kazu Hiro first started experimenting with makeup as a teenager in the 1980s, one face leapt out at him from books and magazines he saw in shops:...
LOS ANGELES, March 9 — When Kazu Hiro first started experimenting with makeup as a teenager in the 1980s, one face leapt out at him from books and magazines he saw in shops: legendary conductor Leonard Bernstein.in which he transformed Bradley Cooper into the towering musical great.“Leonard Bernstein was a big inspiration when I was a kid,” Hiro told“Every time I create a human face, I need a reference photograph. And at that time, there was no internet,” the 54-year-old explained.
Hiro first honed his craft in Japan, teaching himself how to change the contours of a face by trial and error. The makeup artist divided the movie into five phases — from having to make Cooper, now 49, look younger, to progressively aging him.