Sarah Mullens: My mother has been a follower of Alex Jones since the '90s. She’s not going to stop now. - NBCNewsTHINK
That night, I was afraid. But behind my fear was a sense of pride, a commitment: If I didn’t want to be a sheep, I had to open my eyes to the New World Order. A new paint job on a police cruiser orwere could-be clues into the Stasi police state’s grand plan. In the end, the cruisers were painted white with blue and gold trim, and I never saw a police officer in Austin with an AR-15. But by the time I realized Jones was wrong years later, another catastrophe was looming.
When Jones’ predictions of a government takeover via Y2K intensified, my mother broke the lease on her apartment to move us into a small cabin in the country. When Jones’ predictions of a government takeover via Y2K intensified, my mother broke the lease on her apartment to move us into a small cabin in the country. We stacked our “supplies” in half-boxes in the middle of the cabin’s single room, between the kitchenette and the bunk bed where I slept.
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