'You don’t have to answer for any random person out there, but being aware of what you’re consuming and from whom shouldn’t be too much to ask.'
stories isn’t abnormal. You don’t have to erase your personal history with the series and pretend it never existed. Our memories as fans ofand of how the fandom and books got us through tough spots are important, and we can’t wipe them out — nor is it necessarily helpful to do so. The series shaped how many people, from their childhoods, understand storytelling and world-building.
I don’t think there’s an easy answer, but we owe it to ourselves to search for something that feels more just. If we love whatstands for in its best moments — fighting for an equal, inclusive, better world for all while pushing back against bullies — then we benefit from taking real, actionable steps to support the marginalized people the series and its creator have harmed.