The new Presidio Tunnel Tops park opened to the public Sunday and it is already being called a must-see attraction for locals and visitors from around the world.
SAN FRANCISCO -- On Sunday morning, the brand new Presidio Tunnel Tops park opened to the public and thousands of people turned out to see it. It is already being called a must-see attraction for locals and visitors from around the world.
The idea was to use this priceless property for more than just automobiles. Now, with the roadway tunneling beneath, the lawns and paths above it allow visitors free access to the historic Army base. "I wanted to add color to the park," Rodriguez said."I wanted to make the park more welcoming to all communities and color does that so well."
A lot of thought has also gone into accessibility. Picnic tables have cutouts for wheelchairs and large sloping ramps take visitors everywhere in the park. But some accommodations are more subtle, like including a picture of someone in a wheelchair in the park map. Accessibility activator Lucus Tobin said small things like that can eliminate psychological barriers as well.