A team of Dallas and San Antonio attorneys for Netflix wants a judge to stop the child pornography case against its drama Cuties, according to its latest filing.
shows its 11-year-old star Amy"happy" and"back at play" in a court filing from the Eastern District of Texas.
"Netflix's showing of its likelihood of success and the other injunctive elements, coupled with Babin's conduct, warrants that kind of relief," the motion reads.has come under fire from media and political critics since its premiere on the streaming network in 2020. The French film stars 11-year-old Fathia Youssouf as Amy, a Senegalese-French girl from a Muslim family who joins a child dance crew and struggles to find acceptance between her family and new friends.
Netflix's attorneys called Babin's indictments"unconstitutional" for impinging on the streaming studio's and director's right to free speech by unjustly characterizing the film as pornographic material involving children. The response says Babin only received an 18-hour notice to the preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order motion.