Geoff and his wife, Hannah, have tried everything to keep their 6-year-old child under control, but to no avail.
The American dad woke with a headache and couldn’t stomach breakfast due to nausea.But he pushed the feeling aside and continued having fun with his kid and wife at the pool. But as they were leaving the pool, he felt a grumble from his stomach. “I was very hungry,” he said. But it wasn’t good enough for him, he admitted. “He wanted his own,” Geoff explained.
But before they could continue with their day, Alexander shouted, “No, now!” and punched Hannah in the leg. He clarified that the parents “do not hit our children” and “try to teach them it is wrong.”and to take steps to disqualify his actions. “I don’t think the behavior is super unusual given the circumstances , but it’s never excusable,” another agreed. “The fact that ‘he’s pretty angry all the time’ strikes me as the bigger problem that needs addressing and probably strikes closer to the root of whatever issue you’re having,” added another.