Seniors moving to a retirement community 600 miles away need help getting their cats to the new home.
Cathy M. Rosenthal Tribune Content Agency Dear Cathy: I am desperately hoping you can provide some guidance on how to get two cats transported over 600 miles away from our current home. We are seniors moving to a retirement community. The drive will be too long for us, so we are trying to figure out how to transport our two scaredy cats. Our vet was not able to provide us with options for separate transport. The thought of each of us carrying the cats on a plane is daunting.
People are also reading… If that doesn’t work, you have two other options. Option 1: A family member could drive them, but 600 miles is a long way, and a lot can happen during the trip. But if you know someone you can trust, it is a reasonable option. But Option 2 will shorten their trip. You can book them on a transport plane just for pets.
Dear Gloria: That’s funny what he said about dinosaur bones. I am sure he has seen his fair share of cases where bones had splintered and caused damage. I don’t give my dog bones of any kind because he likes to swallow things whole or at least in big chunks and that can be next to impossible to pass through his system. I am even hesitant to give him dental chews because of his all-or-nothing chewing behavior.