DEAR MISS MANNERS: My son will be graduating high school and I’m thinking about how to celebrate.
When his sister graduated years ago, we had a nice party at our home: Her friends, past teachers, church families, neighbors and everyone in between stopped by to wish her well.
My thought is that this would be a way for extended family and old friends to recognize his accomplishment, and maybe also for him to receive some monetary gifts to use on the trip.GENTLE READER: In order to extract money from relatives and their parents’ friends? Send the announcements if you like, but please only to people you have reason to believe would be pleased to be notified. Excitement about the high school graduations of acquaintances’ children tends to be somewhat limited.DEAR MISS MANNERS: I spent a year in England as a transfer college student. I met a nice guy and I’m planning to move there to be with him.