Mila Kunis announced that her GoFundMe page for the people of Ukraine has already reached over half of its $30 million goal.
Brian Chesky
, to discuss how that money would be distributed in order to best support the people of Ukraine. Petersen explained, “Your donations are going to let us have a massive impact. One of the biggest problems in humanitarian relief operations, like the one we're running right now, is coordination of who's on the ground ready to receive the goods, what is being shipped, when is it going to arrive.
In the description on the GoFundMe page, Kunis writes, “Today, I am a proud Ukrainian. While my family came to the United States in 1991, I was born in Chernivtsi, Ukraine in 1983. Ukrainians are proud and brave people who deserve our help in their time of need. This unjust attack on Ukraine and humanity at large is devastating and the Ukrainian people need our support.”