With low costs and efficient service, mail-order cremations are changing the way we handle our dead—and taking traditional funeral homes to the grave along the way.
found the average viewing and burial cost for 2021 was $7,848—an amount that could be prohibitively costly for some, especially if the death was unexpected.
“The reality is the pandemic catapulted the funeral industry into recognizing that a lot of the processes we have are not efficient,” Greene explained. “For example, getting a government death certificate before the pandemic was all done in person. Now everything has to go online.” “When my dad passed away, I felt like the whole experience for the family was pretty horrible,” Crawford told The Daily Beast. “My co-founder had a similar experience with his mom passing away in England. So we thought there’s an opportunity to take everything we learned at Nike—which is very consumer-centric thinking—and really put the family at the center and, and try and try and just reimagine the whole thing.