.MartinaMcBride picked five favorites among her hits and shared with Billboard her memories about what made the songs so special for her.
her memories about what made the songs so special for her.I knew I wanted to record this song immediately. Halfway through the first listen I claimed it as mine. Looking back, it was kind of a ballsy move, I guess...to record and release this song. But at the time I just had a passion and conviction that it was the thing I needed to do. It's kind of hard to explain my reaction to it.
I felt like it would empower someone who needed to hear it. I still haven't heard a song about emotional abuse that is quite this direct. So many people ask if the woman jumped out the window in the second verse. I never interpreted it that way, but I can see now how it could be. I prefer to think of it as a metaphor for her leaving and claiming her freedom.If I remember right, I had heard this song for the previous album. I hesitated to record it because I thought it might be too heavy.