More Mario Kart is never a bad thing.
, the ultra-popular kart racer that was released for the then-new Nintendo Switch over five years ago. Back in March, it announced it would be, felt a little basic compared to the highs of the base game, and often it was all too obvious which courses were based on content from handheld consoles or smartphone games.
Mushroom Gorge and Kalimari Desert are two more solid additions. Play your cards right on the former, and it feels like you spend more time bouncing between mushrooms than with your kart’s wheels firmly planted on its paths.
That’s not to say there isn’t some filler included alongside the second wave’s killer. Mario Circuit 3 is a track that’s about as bland as its name suggests, an almost completely flat circuit that feels far too faithful to its SNES source material. Snow Land is a little more interesting, with tobogganing penguins to avoid around its frozen lake. But compared to Sherbet Land, the snowy course found in the originalroster, Snow Land feels a little flat.
to make its static cars move, there’s some hope that this might change in a future update, but I’m not holding my breath. This ain’t no New Donk City, guys.