Malacca Johore Diocese News Update 113
The election fever is over. The anxious rakyat breathe easy. Advent paves the way for new times. Pray for the 10th PM and the new unity government. May the leaders deliver on their promises. The winds of change are here.The aftermath of the pandemic left in its wake countless deaths, disrupted families, broken relationships, emergence of the new poor, lost livelihoods, a damaged economy, divisive politics and politicians and a slow return to normalcy.
Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me?” The acquaintance’s reply was NO to the three tests. TikTok, social media, ‘ceramahs’, coffee shop talk and church gossip very rarely verify facts, news and reports. It’s sad.1. December 18, 2022 has been set aside as the Parish Jubilee Day, as that’s the day the Malacca Johore Diocese was established. Celebrate your history, story and missionary presence.1. It means a concern for the Good of the World, which is deeply rooted in both the Scriptures and the Catholic Church’s social teaching and doctrine.
# The Gospels teach us to love God with all of our heart, mind, and soul, and to love our neighbours as ourselves, and be the Good Samaritan.