Letters to the Editor for Sept. 13
What does the Queen mean?As a transplanted Brit, I have been asked several times in recent days what the late Queen did, and represented.
The letter to the editor confuses local weather events with global climate warming. The letter cites the fairly good local southern Arizona monsoon this year as evidence that global CO2 emissions resulting in global warming is not true. I could cite myriad weather events in the current news from fires and heat waves in California to floods in Georgia and Pakistan as evidence of weather events that reflect the greater volatility of local weather due to the warming climate.
The picture of heavy rush-hour traffic on First Avenue with a commuter cyclist in the bike lane made me shudder. I have ridden a bike in Tucson going on 60 years, as well as lead a group ride. Tucson offers so many more safe and sane options, especially given we are without any police presence for enforcing distracted commuters texting, juggling a phone/coffee, etc. All bike commuters — please take five minutes to plan the road less traveled for traversing town.
I'm a mom of three children in CFSD schools and a military spouse. We've been a military family going on 15 years, we've had our share of moves and deployments. I'm disappointed at how divisive the race for the CFSD school board has become. This division is largely fueled by misinformation and blanket statements like the letter writer"support military families by voting for THRIVE4CFSD," and"the Back to Basics platform discriminates against military families.