Letter: 'You don’t seem to care so much about your constituents who would prefer not to be shot and killed, or worse, to watch in horror as yet another angry man with easy access to high-powered weapons guns down another bunch of school children.'
You may not remember me, but we met briefly in 2018. It was only a few days after the Parkland school shooting. You had just announced your candidacy for Senate, and were visiting a few local lunch places in Lehi, meeting your prospective constituents, smiling, letting people take a quick selfie. I hopped out of my booth and greeted you. You were very pleasant, perhaps expecting me to enthuse with you about your forthcoming service, which many agreed was a foregone conclusion.
Perhaps I should at least acknowledge that you do care about your constituents who want unlimited access to guns. You don’t seem to care so much about your constituents who would prefer not to be shot and killed, or worse, to watch in horror as yet another angry man with easy access to high-powered weapons guns down another bunch of school children.
You and every other politician who pays lip service to gun reform while profiting from NRA contributions have blood on your hands. I do not thank you for your service.