Kristen Stewart reflects on Twilight's anniversary: 'I did this five minutes ago, now it's like 10-year anniversary.' I'm like, wow, I have to go to my high school anniversary already.'
on Instagram. Stewart shared that she didn't even know the films were on Netflix until she chanced upon it while browsing the streaming service.
"It's rad, I don't know, I haven't really ... that hasn't touched me yet," she continues."I can't wait for someone who's 12 or 15 to suddenly think, like, it's like when you're little and you tell your parents how great Jimi Hendrix is or something -- not to say that I'm remotely comparing my life to Jimi Hendrix -- but you know what I mean where they're like, 'Dude, you don't even know, it's like, so sick.
"The most resounding takeaway that I have from making this movie was probably how big and how small I felt as her," she says."I've never felt so big and so small at the same time.