KillingEve Season 4 showrunner Laura Neal discusses changing up Eve and Villanelle's cat-and-mouse game and finding the right ending for the series.
BBC America original series Killing Eve has revolved around its central pair of two women who begin as foes but then evolve into something much more twisty and complex: MI5 analyst Eve Polastri and skilled but psychopathic assassin Villanelle .
At the end of Season 3, there's a bit of a cliffhanger, or maybe a bridge-hanger, and we don't pick up immediately where we left off with Eve and Villanelle. What was the motivation behind putting in that time jump, and what does it say about where this relationship is when we find them at the start of Season 4?
Villanelle's journey, at least at the beginning of the season, starts with her having the intention of wanting to be a good person. Whether or not she's successful in that is something that plays out [over the season]. Is it something that she's doing for herself, or is it a little bit of her trying to get Eve's attention in another way?
Another character we're seeing in a place that we really maybe haven't seen to this extent before is Carolyn. There's something that feels a little bit sad to me about her this season and what she's going through, where she's ended up, cut off from a lot of things and having to rely on people that maybe she didn't necessarily envision having to rely on. I'm curious about the decision to bring her to a place that we haven't seen in seasons past.
I feel like it's not an exaggeration to say that there are a lot of eyes on how the show is going to end. Did you ever feel any pressure to get it right, to find an ending that felt right?