Indian spiritual guru, followed by Will Smith and Tom Brady, has a message for people desperate for a luxury lifestyle. (via CNBCMakeIt)
The 64-year-old, who is also known as Jagadish "Jaggi" Vasudev, started teaching yoga in India 40 years ago.Sadhguru, the yoga master turned social media celebrity with over 8.6 million Instagram followers, described his own take on human existence, saying that life and lifestyle are not the same and shouldn't be conflated.
"If you misunderstand your lifestyle for life you will always suffer because someone else will always have a better lifestyle than you maybe, or a more exuberant or extravagant lifestyle, and you will always think you are less than them," the mystic told CNBC's Dan Murphy. "So life is important, lifestyle doesn't matter," he said, when asked about the current economic struggles for millions of people worldwide.
He believes that too many people confuse the two — but that it is important to realize that someone's lifestyle can change at any time and what lifestyle we have is often out of our control. "It doesn't matter what's the lifestyle. Life is the most precious thing you have, it's the only thing you have," he said. "Whether you wear fine clothes or rags, what does it matter if you are joyful.": "People are dedicated to their lifestyle, not to their life. Once you are dedicated to your lifestyle, you get enslaved to how much you earn."