Alice Davey was legally able to drive on other painkillers but now risks losing her licence on the school run
MPs are hoping to resolve this week via a bill set to be debated in Victoria’s parliament on Wednesday.
“Without it, I would constantly have a tremor and I wouldn’t get to get out of bed because I’d be in too much pain from my endo,” she says. In several studies, THC has been shown to stay in test subjects’ saliva for anywhere between a few hours and several days after use. Among frequent users, THC is also commonly found in blood and urine samples for weeks after the initial effects have worn off.“I follow the strict instructions of my doctor and I’m not impaired in the morning. If I was, I wouldn’t get in the car,” she says.
It amends the Road Safety Act to no longer make it an offence for a driver who is unimpaired to have detectable THC in their blood or oral fluid, provided they have a prescription and that they have taken their medication in accordance with that prescription.The exemption does not apply to the driver of a motor vehicle who is impaired or incapable of having proper motor vehicle control.