If I go on Glassdoor and leave a scathing review, will it hurt my chances of a future employer hiring me?
I received my layoff notice via email. It wasn’t even from my boss, just a no-reply automated message. If I go on Glassdoor.com and leave a scathing review, will it hurt my chances of a future employer hiring me?
Thank you for your inquiry. Wait times for Go To Greg submissions are higher than normal due to increased volume. Please try your question again later. Oh my. Definitely not making light of you being laid off, just amplifying the inhuman experience and just how awful that is. I’m all for giving feedback, both positive and negative. There isn’t any advantage to you revealing your name however, so a prospective employer won’t know it was from you.
You should have done what everyone else does — wait until you received your bonus before quitting. Or, some employees who resign before they receive their bonus negotiate the amount they are walking away from as a sign-on bonus with their new employer. The practice is legal generally with most types of discretionary bonus plans, where the employer is not obligated to pay anything. At this point, all you can do is confirm that what your employer is telling you is written into a stated policy.
Gregory Giangrande has over 25 years of experience as a chief human resources executive. Hear Greg Weds. at 9:35 a.m. on