I am the product of rape. Here's why I support abortion rights (via latimesopinion)
We cannot let abortion be stigmatized by a minority that holds extreme views on what is a crucial human right.I was in middle school, and by then I had an inkling of what must have happened. Not having a father. Raised by my grandmother, alongside her other children, my aunts and uncles. Everything about me and my identity was shrouded in secrecy.My mother froze and then stormed out our white door, into the sunlight.
I often wonder what her life would have been like if she hadn’t had me when she was so young. Would she have been able to go to college? Would she have been able to break a cycle of abusive relationships? Would she have had a happy life? My mother and I are not alone in the trauma we both suffered. So many women have had similar experiences and histories of sexual violence. These are not new stories. It’s been going on for centuries and continues today. And this violence tells women implicitly that we are unworthy of being safe.