A family has narrowly escaped injury after their home collapsed while they were sleeping on Friday morning in Sydney’s south-west. The five-bedroom, three-bathroom house was built last year and was listed for rent in November at $1150 a week.
that the whole family was sleeping in the room above the garage when they woke up to the ceiling beginning to collapse. They said they felt the house rumbling before they whisked the child and three pets to safety.
The home, aimed at “the elite that value luxury cars and brands”, boasts five bedrooms, including a walk-in wardrobe and en-suite in the master; double garage; three bathrooms; in-ground swimming pool with water fountains; and stone kitchen-tops with designer appliances.NSW Building and Better Regulation Minister Anoulack Chanthivong said Fair Trading and emergency services would be investigating the cause of the house collapse.
Chanthivong said appropriate action would be taken once the findings of the investigation into the collapse of the newly built home was completed.