'I had no idea the companionship a little one like Honeydew does to you. They change your whole impression of life. What seemed so difficult before, now seemed so much easier each day with those fours paws by my side on the couch.'
My parents never allowed me to have a dog for some reason and when I left home at 18 I was so busy with life I never had time for a pet until I was in my 50′s.
Finally I was able to pick out a friend, and found out what I had been missing for 50 years. I had no idea the companionship a little one like Honeydew does to you. They change your whole impression of life. What seemed so difficult before, now seemed so much easier each day with those fours paws by my side on the couch.
I think of Honeydew every day as it’s impossible not to. I sure hope there is an afterlife where we can walk together again because the day she passed away, part of me passed away with her.