From the hat on your head to the shoes on your feet, we've got you covered with everything you need to stay warm and safe on your next adventure.
All right! Now that you have all your gear, you need something to carry it in. The most important aspect of a backpack is that it fits you properly. Outdoor retailers like REI offer in-person fittings. Features like water bottle pockets, loops for hitching gear, and chest or waist straps will probably vary depending on the level of activity that you're expecting.
The sweet spot for a daypack is between 15 and 25 liters—enough to hold rain layers, a fleece, maps, water, sunscreen, lunch, and snacks, plus room for a book or camera gear. I like theUse a small trash compactor bag as a water-resistant pack liner inside your pack to keep everything dry in case it rains. They're more durable than trash bags and almost as cheap.
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