It seems quite likely that a new update on FinalFantasy16 will be coming at tomorrow's PlayStation State of Play event.
✖ A new update from Square Enix regarding Final Fantasy XVI, which is the next mainline installment in the long-running RPG series, is likely going to come this week. Over the course of the past year, Square Enix has been incredibly quiet when it comes to the status of Final Fantasy XVI. However, when we last heard from the publisher, it was said that a"big reveal" of some sort would be taking place in the early part of 2022.
Sony announced this morning that it will be holding its next PlayStation State of Play broadcast tomorrow on March 9th. The presentation in full is said to last about 20-minutes and will focus largely on video game publishers out of Japan. Given that Square Enix is one such video game publisher that happens to reside in Japan, it seems quite likely that the new State of Play broadcast could show off some new footage from Final Fantast XVI.
Perhaps the other thing that makes Final Fantasy XVI even more likely to appear at tomorrow's State of Play is that the game was initially revealed during a PlayStation event. When combining this previous track record with the fact that Final Fantasy XVI is also a console exclusive for PlayStation 5, it seems all but guaranteed that PlayStation will have the inside track when it comes to divulging new information about the project.
0commentsDo you think there's a high chance that Final Fantasy XVI will end up making an appearance during tomorrow's PlayStation event? And if Square Enix doesn't share more information on the game here, then when will it? Let me know what you think either down in the comments or hit me up on Twitter at @MooreMan12.