A unit of Yuchengco-led EEI Corp. has partnered with an electrical manufacturing company for the construction of a 1,008-kilowatt-peak solar rooftop system in Tarlac City in a bid to promote the use of clean energy in the country. | MegINQ /PDI
EEI Power Corp. , the power generation subsidiary of EEI Corp., said it recently signed a deal with International Wiring System Corp. to build solar photovoltaic panels in one of the latter’s buildings.IWSP is part of Japan-based Sumitomo Electric, which manufactures electrical wires and optical fiber cables.
According to EEIPC, the system will be composed of around 1,800 units of 500-watt monocrystalline solar PV panels that will provide at least 40 percent of the daytime load requirement of IWSP’s Building 6, and yield an annual average energy output of 1,296,675 kilowatt-hours .