A drunk Canadian woman handed cops a gift card for booze instead of her driver's license when they pulled her over for drunk driving.
She didn't exactly help her case in claiming she wasn't drunk. A woman in Canada was pulled over by cops for drunk driving.
And she didn’t do herself any favors in this situation, either, as she handed the cops a gift card for booze instead of her driver’s license.that police in Guelph—a city located in Ontario—spotted a car driving erratically around the campus of a local university at around 2:35 a.m. last Friday. When they pulled the 19-year-old woman over, they asked her—as is part of the protocol—to see her driver’s license.
Instead, she handed over a gift card to the Liquor Control Board of Ontario , all the while claiming she hadn’t been drinking. A failed breathalyzer test proved otherwise, and it was later revealed her alcohol level was well above the legal limit.