“Am I going to go out there and be radically different than myself? That would be misleading my kids — to be this perfect, polished person without a past,” Drew Barrymore says of being an “open book” on her show.
No, not figuratively; in her life and career, the actor-turned-director-turned-talk-show-host has never been more confident in her path. But literally speaking, she’s a bit stuck.Power of Women honoree arrived at a Chelsea photo studio, only to find a broken elevator. It’s posing a problem because Barrymore hurt her ankle, making the trek up five flights of stairs more perilous than it needs to be.
Barrymore has had a seat on the couch for the evolution of the form as a regular on the talk show circuit for the better part of the past four decades. She famously appeared on “The Tonight Show” with Johnny Carson at age 7 to promote “E.T.” and rather infamously flashed David Letterman on “The Late Show” in her 20s. Now that she’s the one with the mic, she has a new appreciation for what goes into running the show.
Barrymore hasn’t asked Spears to appear on “The Drew Barrymore Show” but hopes to eventually foster an “openhearted” interview with the singer, who is newly free from her conservatorship. Barrymore had her own tumultuous upbringing, involving stints in rehab in her teens and getting legally emancipated from her parents.
Barrymore does not pretend to have it all together, and she’s comfortable being an “open book” on her show. “Am I going to go out there and be radically different than myself? That would be misleading my kids — to be this perfect, polished person without a past… who never thinks about a date and doesn’t want to talk about love” she says.