The role of designers now must be to empower communities to dream bigger, imagine differently, and bring their own visions of the future to life.
into my work and the exhibition gradually evolved. What started out as my own vision of the future eventually gave way to a thousand other points of view.
In traditional design education, young designers are often taught that their responsibility is to solve other people's problems. We were taught that we must know what people want because they often don’t know it themselves. While this approach has its merits, it is important to recognize the biases we might unintentionally project onto others as we seek to help them.
Phoebe Tickell describes imagination activism as ”a new kind of activism powered by imagination and the vision and tools to make the world better for everyone.” It entails expanding one’s sense of what’s possible and exercising the ability to imagine and create another world. The future is not a straight line from today to tomorrow but a realm of multiple possibilities.