'Just because he’s single, our mutual friends want to bring us together, but he is really not my type. The problem is he fancies me and is encouraged to pursue me by those friends.' - Harassed and Annoyed Full letter and Thelma's reply linked below.
Also, I won’t consider a man in his 50s or 60s, and it’s my prerogative and choice. Furthermore, he is too short for me at 5’5”. When I wear heels, I would be taller than him because I’m 5’4”. Some women don’t mind, but I do mind.
Now, I’ve withdrawn from social media because of this. I've even thought of moving away from the neighbourhood because of him. So let's be clear here: People are telling you that you're old and unattractive and that your duty is to hook up with a man who repulses you. Don't engage, don't entertain conversations about why. This bully who tells you that you're not good enough unless you date him is not worth your attention.
You don't need to explain why you don't want to date. No is a reason all by itself. You are an adult, and you decide what makes you happy.