Canberra heavyweight KPMG is the subject of two Defence investigations, and Deloitte, EY and Accenture are subject to one probe each. At least one is looking into possible breaches of the law.
Three of the big four consulting firms plus tech giant Accenture are being investigated over conduct while contracted to the Defence Department.understands Canberra heavyweight KPMG is the subject of two Defence investigations, and Deloitte, EY and Accenture are subject to one probe each.
Three of Australia’s big four consulting firms plus tech giant Accenture are being investigated by Defence.and spark fresh questions from a Senate inquiry probing the sector. A spokesperson said Defence did not comment on ongoing investigations and ignored multiple requests for information: “Defence is committed to ensuring departmental information is used appropriately,” the person said.
“Further, I consider the pre-emptive release of the documents, which may be used as evidence by the investig]ating body, could also jeopardise the investigation.”